Friday, October 30, 2009

The Dog Carrier

I love my dogs, but this is fucking stupid. Described as a durable, breathable backpack for your front with the dog's head coming out the top and arm, leg, and tail holes on the sides. If you want to look like a douche, you may purchase one at

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Name the Undead

From Chop Shop, How many undead can you name off? Buy the t-shirt here.

This Man?

Have you seen this man in your dreams?He looks kinda like the dancing dwarf in Twin Peaks.
I had a similar experience when I was in high school. Me and four other people I knew had a dream about a native american elderly man all within the same week. He had grey hair and braids.
From Neatorama:
In 2000, a psychiatric patient drew a picture of a man who appeared in recurring dreams. The picture was left out on the doctor’s desk, where another patient recognized it from his dreams as well! With a bit of investigation, other patients who saw the same face in their dreams were found. As of now, at least 2,000 people recognize the face as one they’ve dreamed about. How about you?


Friday, October 9, 2009

tiled fireplace

I want to do this to my fireplace. I'm not sure I have the guts yet.