I love to see people's mistakes. It's in my blood. (stuff white people like) I'm notorious for finding bad-grammar in advertising. I know I'm guilty of misusing the english language, but the satisfaction of pointing and laughing is something I cannot resist.
The graphic design equal to grammar misuse is poor photoshop usage. Check out this blog, photoshop disasters, I visit it everyday. One entry that sticks out in my mind is this. It made me not feel so bad about my physical appearence. I just don't have my own personal make-up/ reality shifter built in - yet.
Along the same line is youthoughtwewouldntnotice.com. This blog points out designers and artists that copy each other. Yes, there are certain fads and themes that get recycled in popular culture but this blog displays straight, shameless rip-offs. I'm glad someone is out there callin' assholes out!
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