My collection of daily affirmations, humor, interests and all of it centered around me. Who wouldn't love it?
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wii : Cursed Mountain
the game is going to make use of the Wii Controls in an innovative way. Which is what every game for the Wii claims. Here is what the article stated:
"Seifert also elaborated on the game controls. "Controlling the character in the physical world is straight forward. In certain situations we utilize motion sensing for climbing, balancing, chases etc.," he said. "But when you enter the Bardo, the shadow world, you sense the enemies with the IR pointer and you use praying and fighting gestures to defeat the evil sprits. Depending on the difficulty of your opponents you will fight with simpler or more complex gestures and with one or two hands." I am intrigued, but only gameplay will tell if they have succeeded. Link
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
That's it! I'm moving to the U.K.

fabulous mag.
I am a she-he

According to this site that identifies your gender based on browsing history my gender is:
Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 50%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 50%
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We have made plans to go to Wurstfest in New Braunfels, TX this year. We will probably get a hotel room Friday and Saturday night November 7 & 8, 2008. We found a dog friendly hotel on so we'll save some moolah that way. J wants to rent Leiderhosen and I'm thinking about getting one of those awesome sexy barmaid outfits just to be obnoxious and celebrate my German Heritage. I am also planning on purchasing das boot for the sole purpose of getting drunk and making a fool of myself - which isn't hard to do. You may recognized the drinking game from the movie "Beerfest". Anyone who would like to come along is definitely welcome!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Cartoon Timeline of My Life ages 6-8

Hello again. Another view into my warped mind and the swiss-cheeseiness that came from sitting in front of the world's cheapest babysitter. On a side note, I was a TV for halloween one year. I wish I had pictures of it. Oh yeah, cardboard box with foil where the screen should be. Ha! I'm a nerd.
Here's Rainbow Brite. I don't remember much of the show except I liked the bad guys, of course, and that I really wanted the unicorn she rode on. It must have been pretty boring or too similar to the Care Bears, which I also watched.

I was a tomboy which is understandable because boys are way easier to be friends with then girls. Not as catty! My friends and I played hide and seek, cops and robbers, street hockey and a couple times we filled the sand box up with water and had lake front properties with our matchbox cars. I watched G. I. Joe. It was very run of the mill writing and cheap animation. There was a lot of shooting, but no one EVER died. WTF? I know we shouldn't expose children to the casualties of war, but maybe that's how we got involved in Iraq, G.W. probably watched too much G. I. Joe. What people die in wars??? My favorite character was the bad guy again. Things always got more interesting when Cobra Commander was around. Without him, the show was dull. At the end of each show, there was some moral that ended with: "Now we know!" "And knowing is half the battle." I liken that to every mistake I make in life.
He-Man & She-Ra

These shows were great, except there were too many reruns which made me lose interest fast.
I was happy that they finally made a show that had a girl as a leader and she didn't need rescuing all the time. Who was the sexy bad guy? Skeletor!
Scooby Doo

Oh yeah! The ultimate in 70's cartoons. I loved monsters, ghosts, and dogs. What more could you ask for in a show. They always disproved the hauntings, but I always hoped there would be that one mystery they could not solve. I also watched the "A Pup Named Scooby Doo" and the movies.
Bugs Bunny - This cartoon is where J and I get most of our humor from. We always sing "Someone's a Rockin' my Dreamboat" from the episode called "Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips"
I watched these cartoons everyday. Here is the entire list, I had no idea there were so many. My favorite episode is "broomstick bunny"
Tom & Jerry - This cartoon ruled. My favorite episode was when Jerry's cousin came and they froze the kitchen to go ice skating. I swear I learned all my classical music from this animation. Tex Avery is the coolest!
Jem - She's truly outrageous! Not much to say, this cartoon sucked. I watched it anyway.
Pee Wee's Playhouse - This show rocked. Cartoons, claymation, live action all rolled up into one. It was very weird and very spastic. Just how I like it. It's too bad about Paul Ruebens flushing his career down the toilet. This show couldn't run for a long time. Also of note, Pee Wee's Big Adventure - a cult classic. My first boyfriend would dress up as Pee Wee for halloween- it was uncanny.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Lottery Is A Tax On The Poor

That is one of my best friends favorite sayings. Apparently, the poor purchase lottery tickets even though they know better.
"In the study, published in the July issue of the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, participants who were made to feel subjectively poor bought nearly twice as many lottery tickets as a comparison group that was made to feel subjectively more affluent. The Carnegie Mellon findings point to poverty's central role in people's decisions to buy lottery tickets.
"Some poor people see playing the lottery as their best opportunity for improving their financial situations, albeit wrongly so," said the study's lead author Emily Haisley, a doctoral student in the Department of Organizational Behavior and Theory at Carnegie Mellon's Tepper School of Business. "The hope of getting out of poverty encourages people to continue to buy tickets, even though their chances of stumbling upon a life-changing windfall are nearly impossibly slim and buying lottery tickets in fact exacerbates the very poverty that purchasers are hoping to escape."
The researchers influenced participants' perceptions of their relative wealth — or lack thereof — by having them complete a survey on their opinions of the city of Pittsburgh that included an item on annual income. The group made to feel poor was asked to provide its income on a scale that began at "less than $100,000" and went upward from there in $100,000 increments, ensuring that most respondents would be in the lowest income category. The group made to feel subjectively wealthier was asked to report income on a scale that began with "less than $10,000" and increased in $10,000 increments, leading most respondents to be in a middle or upper tier."
Here is the article
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mass Hysteria: Hippies stabbing other Hippies

Rainbow hippies arrested after Nederland brawl
Remaining campers say fight does not represent them
from the daily camera onlineFive members of the “Rainbow Family” — a loose-knit band of hippies that preaches love, tolerance and peace and is best known for its large gatherings every July — were arrested Tuesday night by Boulder County sheriff’s deputies after a violent brawl broke out at the group’s campsite near Ward.
Deputies responded at about 6:30 p.m. to a report that a fight had broken out among a group of a dozen people camping out in the area of Ruby Gulch, located on state Forest Service property along the Peak to Peak Highway between the towns of Nederland and Ward.
When deputies arrived, witnesses reported that one man, a Nederland resident aged 34 or 35, was hit in the back of the head multiple times with a shovel and possibly stabbed in the neck during the fight, Sheriff’s Sgt. Brian Lindsey said.
Some witnesses reported a second person being stabbed, although no other victims were located, Lindsey said.
“No one could tell us who was stabbed,” Lindsey said. “We still haven’t got much information.”
The injured man, whose name was not released, had to be air lifted to St. Anthony Central Hospital in Denver. He has not been able to speak with investigators about the incident, Lindsey said.
Soon after the fight, sheriff’s deputies and Nederland police contacted a bus filled with as many as 12 people leaving the area of the reported fight, Lindsey said.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Bacon is gud

I am really hungry right now. My mind wanders to the greatest gift ever: Bacon. I feel sorry for jewish people & vegetarians. My life revolves around bacon and it's fruits. I have made bacon vodka - it's delicious in Bloody Marys. Recipe Here.
I just found a recipe for a bacon infused Old Fashioned which I plan to try.
We must thank Saint Anthony
"Saint Anthony was heralded as a modest and courteous man. He lived for 20 years barricaded in an abandoned fort, having contact with people only when his admirers broke in. Known for healing skin diseases and inflammations, he is often depicted with a pig because pork fat was used as a treatment with similar results. Being identified with pigs led the swine herders to take him as their patron. For this reason, he has become the Patron Saint of Bacon."
There is also a girl after my own heart that knows two of the best things in life are sex & bacon.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Cartoon Timeline of my life ages 4 - 6

I am an avid cartoon watcher. I've decided to chronicle my lifelong love affair with animation on my blog. This could take a while...
My first memory of animation is from Sesame Street, of course. This picture is from a counting animation about an alligator king. Here is the song, brought to you by the number 7.
One two three four five six seven!
Said the Alligator King to his seven sons,
"I'm feelin' mighty down.
Whichever of you can cheer me up
Will get to wear my crown."
His first son brought seven oyster pearls
From the bottom of the China Sea.
The second gave him seven statues of girls
With clocks where their stomachs should be.
The third son gave him seven rubies
From the sheikdom Down There Beneath.
The King thought the rubies were cherries,
And he broke off seven of his teeth.
The fourth son tried to cheer him up
With seven lemon drops.
The King said, "I'm sorry son,
Since that ruby episode, I just haven't got the chops."
The fifth son brought the King perfume
In seven fancy silver jars;
The King took a whiff, and he broke out in spots
'Cause it smelled like cheap cigars.
The sixth son gave him seven diamond rings
To wear upon his toes.
The King snagged his foot on the royal red rug
And crumpled up his nose.
The seventh son of the Alligator King
Was a thoughtful little whelp.
He said, "Daddy, appears to me
That you could use a little help."
Said the Alligator King to his seventh son,
"My son, you win the crown.
You didn't bring me diamonds or rubies, but
You helped me up when I was down.
Take the crown; it's yours, my son.
I hope you don't mind the dents.
I got it on sale at a discount store-
Cost me all of seven cents!"
There were all variations of animation shown on Sesame Street- stop motion, clay, and traditional. You cannot forget the muppets. That isn't animation per se, but come on! same idea. Which leads us to:
The Muppet Show

Again I'm veering from animated shows but I have to include this one. Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. I didn't like it but I watched it. So, how did it shape me? Well, being the pessimist and negative nancy I am you have to watch things you HATE - otherwise, how can you feel superior? One particular thing I hated about this show was the cat, Daniel. He was such a whiner! Everything that was in this puppet's dialogue started with the words "Meow, meow" and finished with the same. So annoying!
More PBS shows I remember watching:
Schoool House Rock
It was on when nothing else was. It wasn't particularly entertaining. They started sticking it between Saturday morning cartoons just to fill space. Did anyone really like this cartoon or is it just nostalgia? Who greenlighted it and thought it was good? Just wondering.

The Smurfs
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have always wanted to marry Gargamel. Something about evil villains gets me HOT! The plot was always the same. Gargamel wants to capture the smurfs but always fails. There was only one girl smurf early in the beginning of the show and she was created by Gargamel to lure the smurfs to his castle. The smurfs are famous all over the world and were originally from Belgium. Read the 10 smurfiest facts about the smurfs on Neatorama.
Here was my first deluge into Japanese animation. My favorite character was Princess Allura/Princess Fala (ファーラ姫, Fāra-hime): Princess Allura of the planet Arus is the ruler of the Kingdom of Altair (as well as of the entire planet, for the most part) and is also the object of Lotor's affections. She takes over for Sven as the pilot of the Blue Lion that forms Voltron's right leg. Allura wears a pink uniform in the original series, and a metallic blue uniform in Voltron: The Third Dimension. Her age is about 18-20. Though a bit naïve, especially with matters of romance, Allura is a strong-willed person, and is very capable of ruling her planet, though some like Coran and Nanny tend to doubt this ability. She is capable of invoking the dead, particularly her father, the late King Alfor. In The Third Dimension, Allura later learns special mind skills that could allow the Voltron Force to control the Lions without having to be in the cockpits, and also helps the others to learn it as well.

and the
Space Mice: The Space Mice are pastel-colored mice displaying a humanlike level of intelligence, who were Princess Allura's friends as a child. They are often mischievous, but sometimes helpful. There are five Space Mice, though the fifth mouse is rarely seen until later episodes, perhaps because of not being born, or being too young to leave the nest at first. There is a large light blue mouse, a large pink mouse, two medium-sized light blue mice, and a much smaller light blue mouse. The cartoon was very inconsistent with the names of the mice; names used for various mice included Chitter, Cheddar, Cheeser, Cheesy, Pip, Squeek, Mousie, Prince, Toady, Inky, and Suki. Toward the end of the Lion Force Voltron series, the Space Mice wear orange Voltron Force uniforms and pilot a machine called the Mouse Plane, which can transform into a comic-looking Mouse Voltron.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Repost from my Barak Obama blog

I'm an Obama supporter, I thought I'd share this on here.
An interesting thing happened to me on July 4th, 2007.
In the twilight hours I found myself in the Emergency Room - without health insurance. I was in-between jobs, literally. I left my job June 27th and I was to start at a new company on July 9th. I had only been unemployed a total of a week and a half.
I fell and dislocated my elbow. My boyfriend and friends rushed me to the emergency room. Luckily, I didn't need an ambulance, the hospital was only minutes away.
My arm must have looked bad. The E.R. attendants swiftly whisked me away to a room and injected me with pain killer within minutes of arriving. "Great!" I thought in a haze of drugs, "this is the fastest emergency room care I have ever had.Little did I know the horror was about to begin.
After only three hours, my boyfriend and I were in the billing office dreading the amount of money we were about to fork over. We had some money in savings and used it to pay half, I put the rest on a credit card.
That total came to $1542.
We marveled at how much money we had to spend, but we were happy that my injury was not any worse. All we had to worry about paying for was the follow up visit, right? Wrong.
It's now July 17th and the bills start to roll in. The hospital sends me a bill that says I owe $864. I call, and say this can't possibly be right. Enquiring minds want to know. Why am I getting a bill? I thought it was paid. I asked the person on the other end of the phone "Why am I getting a bill?"
Well, the amount you paid was an estimate, there could be more charges that weren't in the system at the time you left the hospital. Do you have any health insurance?" the account representative asks.
"No, I was in between jobs." I said.
"I can send you an itemized bill." the account representative states.
"Yes, I would really like to see that."
I'm going to receive that in 7- 10 days.
Next day. The mail comes. I receive yet another bill. This time from the Doctor of the Emergency Room.
What? I start to laugh and cry at the same time. This has got to be a joke or a scam. I call.
This time the account representative is sympathetic to my non-health insured plea. She tells me the hospital can offer me discounted services and she can then apply them to my account to reduce her charges. She said she'd suspend my account and give me time to talk to the hospital.
I still haven't gotten my bill for the follow up visit.
My current total is: $3811 with no discounts as of yet.
All this leads me to ask, who is policing health care? Why is it so outrageous? Who can help? I have been donating to Obama's campaign for the last couple months. I have never given politics any money before. I never had a strong reason to believe in someone as a political leader. I had always had a job and health insurance. For a short week and a half, I had neither and the system failed me. This leads me to wonder, what about the poor? Thousands of people go through bankruptcy with this nightmare we call "Modern Medicine". I long for the days of the town doctor, who made house calls and just wanted you healed. Now all we have is faceless corporations trying to turn a profit for their shareholders. Does the modern hippocratic oath involve a payment clause?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Hell Boy II: a tiny review

It ruled. I Love Guillermo del Toro. His character design never fails, and his story lines are always captivating and intelligent. His use of color and cinematography is never pretentious or abused. Some of my favorite movies are his; The Orphanage, Pan's Labyrinth, The Devil's Backbone and I can't wait for The Hobbit. I know, Dork Alert!
With many comic book movies in the theater, I was worried that this film just wouldn't satisfy. I was wrong. I don't say that often. I was really happy I was spending my precious time at that movie the whole way through. Worth the whole $7.50! and the 2 glasses of cheap pinot grigio and chicken club sandwich with fries. There is one part in the movie where I giggled for 3 minutes straight. That just doesn't happen much anymore. I can't wait for the next one, hopefully he'll direct it. Yay!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Abandoned Buildings

I love looking at photos of decrepit buildings and rundown, unused dwellings. The haunting aura creates stories that play in my head. I get excited whenever I come across a photographer or blog that archives these images for me.
Here are some of my favorites:
Hours of Darkness
Urban Curators
Abandoned Beauty
Just in Case you feel like spending $150 on me
Take That Mom! Alcohol and Coffee is Good For me!

From the Times Online:
Red Wine. Again, if you read a newspaper more than once a year, you'll have heard about the benefits of red wine, the "French Paradox" and the like. Like chocolate, polyphenols are the key - chemicals such as tannins and flavonoids in the grape skin and seeds that are powerful antioxidants. Also important are the procyanidins, which help to reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Another ingredient, resveratrol, slows ageing of the heart, bones, eyes and muscles and can even deter cataracts, at least in mice. As for chocolate, red wine must be consumed with moderation. Certain traditional red wines from southwest France, Sardinia and Crete appear to have the most magic ingredients.
Coffee contains antioxidates and tannins that help protect the heart and unblock the arteries. It's also good for the liver - one cup per day cuts the risk of alcoholic cirrhosis by 20 per cent; four cups a day reduces the risk by 80 per cent, which is good news if you're on a red wine diet.
Guinness. Makers of the Irish stout used to market it under the slogan "Guinness is good for you" - until they were told to desist. Research published in 2003 from the University of Wisconsin suggests that they were right all along: a pint of the black stuff is as effective as an asprin in preventing blood clots, and much tastier. Again, it's all about antioxidants.
Now if we could just prove vodka gives you the ability to fly...
By the way, who's up for bocce ball with the austin imbiber's society soon? I'm thinking Sunday afternoon at Joe's Bar & Grill:

Yes, they do have their bocce ball court. Not sure if we are really going to go yet.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Recession or Recalibration of Funds?

What is the definition of recession? I checked it out on wikipedia:
"A recession may involve simultaneous declines in coincident measures of overall economic activity such as employment, investment, and corporate profits. Recessions may be associated with falling prices (deflation), or, alternatively, sharply rising prices (inflation) in a process known as stagflation. A severe or long recession is referred to as an economic depression. Although the distinction between a recession and a depression is not clearly defined, it is often said that a decline in GDP of more than 10% constitutes a depression.[2] A devastating breakdown of an economy (essentially, a severe depression, or hyperinflation, depending on the circumstances) is called economic collapse."
Why is everyone so surprised that our economy is taking a downturn? We are vary reliant on oil. Our culture has promoted the use of it without consequences for decades. Now, larger percentages of our income are being devoted to fuel costs and everyone is surprised Americans aren't spending with abandon. Bush's "Stimulus Package" is a joke. He funded part of it with a LOAN from China. I saved most of mine because I'm concerned with what is to come.
I am three generations down from depression-era ideas. I have always heard stories about my great grandparents and their fastidious scrimping, saving, and hoarding of everything that came into their possession. Reuse, recycle, and repurpose wasn't just a "green earth" fad. It was a necessity. They did it for the war, their country, and their soldiers. The government created propaganda around these ideas. People proudly participated because they believed in their country and it's place in the world.
What is the difference between then and now? We are in a war with an open-ended budget that no one wanted except Halliburton and its benefactors. A war that has alienated us from many countries and led America to look like a war-mongering, greedy, and spiteful overlord. Bush wanted retaliation for 9/11 and used it to mask his greed for oil. He thinly veiled his war with ideas of "freedom, liberating and democratizing" Iraq and searching for weapons of mass destruction.
Recently, the senate reapproved the bill that rebuked America's rights to make it easier to spy on Americans for fear of terrorism. Our telecommunications can be tapped by our government with no warrant. Way to go!
What would my great grandmother have said about this? How would she tell me to save money? Would she have supported this war? Why didn't Bush ask for the country's support? All these questions will never be answered. I'm so sad, our country has been defiled. Luckily, they haven't taken away my freedom of speech yet.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
In Soviet Russia, couch sits on you!
Woman kills husband with folding couch
A Russian woman in St Petersburg killed her drunk husband with a folding couch, Russian media reported.
St Petersburg's Channel Five said the man's wife, upset with her husband for being drunk and refusing to get up, kicked a handle after an argument, activating a mechanism that folds the couch up against a wall.
The couch, which doubles as a bed, folds up automatically in order to save space.
The man fell between the mattress and the back of the couch, Channel Five quoted emergency workers as saying.
The woman then walked out of the room and returned three hours later to check on what she thought was an unusually quiet sleeping husband.
Police refused to comment.
Sydlexia's life ruined by Sesame Street

Remember this? I was an avid viewer of Sesame Street growing up. I came across this blog which is full of common nostalgia growing up in the eighties. It is hilarious! The posts are few and far between but they are entertaining enough to keep me coming back for more.
Here what he has to say about the animated orange:
"That Goddam Orange"
Every so often, Sesame Street would offer up segments designed to expand our cultural horizons, which is a polite way of saying they were trying to turn us queer. Rarely, if ever, did these clips accomplish their goals. For example, I vividly recall a series of songs featuring jazz legend Cab Calloway, who had since become a decrepit old man. As I watched in horror as the 73-year-old Calloway hit sour notes and shuffled around the stage in what I would later learn was a sad attempt at his trademark dance moves. It was at that moment in time, at the tender age of four years old, that I first began to harbor my undying hatred of jazz music. But perhaps even more disturbing was the stop-motion clip where an orange springs to life and sings "Habanera" from Bizet's classic opera Carmen. OK, that's not entirely true, the orange doesn't just suddenly spring to life. No, it starts off by rolling around, attaching common kitchen items to itself in order to become more human - a walnut for a nose, an elastic for a mouth, flower petals for eyelashes, a feather duster for hair, and bottle caps for earrings. Oh, and a set of googly eyes, because normal people always have those lying around their kitchen for no apparent reason. Stop-motion animation has an inherent creepiness to it, and that creepiness increases exponentially when it's used to make fruit come alive and sing in foreign languages, especially when no further explanation is ever given. Instead we are left to wonder why someone would ever make something like this, how it ended up on Sesame Street despite lacking any educational or entertainment value, and why it got such heavy rotation on the show.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
WTF are these people thinking?
From News of the Weird:
Todd Barkau, 35, and a 44-year-old woman were indicted in May in Kansas City, Mo., on charges of training the woman's daughter (beginning at age 12) to become a dominatrix whose services were for sale on the Internet. [MSNBC-AP, 5-12-08]
When I hear stuff like this I often ponder the conversation between the two people who conjured the plan. I'm guessing it went a little like this:
Man: I was on craigslist and them girls that whip you n' shit
Woman: um, hmm (spits tobacco into a can of mountain dew)
Man: I think theys called Dominatrixssses
Woman: ayuh,
Man: Make shitloads of munny just fer beatin' the shit out of mens'
Woman: Really?
Man: Yup, I's thinking yous could sign up fer that n make us some drinkin munny
Woman: Me? Oh, no! I can't beat no mens fer munny
Man: Whats about yer daughter, she ain't doin' nuthin cept chores round the trailer
Woman: Shit n Shinola, whoo dang! that's a good idear - she's a scrappy one anyway.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Sweet Justice

I love to see people's mistakes. It's in my blood. (stuff white people like) I'm notorious for finding bad-grammar in advertising. I know I'm guilty of misusing the english language, but the satisfaction of pointing and laughing is something I cannot resist.
The graphic design equal to grammar misuse is poor photoshop usage. Check out this blog, photoshop disasters, I visit it everyday. One entry that sticks out in my mind is this. It made me not feel so bad about my physical appearence. I just don't have my own personal make-up/ reality shifter built in - yet.
Along the same line is This blog points out designers and artists that copy each other. Yes, there are certain fads and themes that get recycled in popular culture but this blog displays straight, shameless rip-offs. I'm glad someone is out there callin' assholes out!
Patron Saint of Procrastination
Expeditus, patron saint against procrastination
AKA Saint Elpidius, Expeditus was also beheaded in the early 300s. He decided to become a Christian and the devil showed up in the form of a crow, telling him that he could wait until tomorrow to convert. Expeditus stamped the crow under his feet and insisted that he would become a Christian today.
Monday, July 7, 2008
A blog worth wasting your time at

Need somewhere new to surf to? Wanna hear someone complain about stuff that needs some complainin'? Visit my friend and former co worker's blog. It's very entertaining and relevant to our time. In fact, he inspired me to start sharing my thoughts on teh interweb. He's also starting to design t-shirts which I will be first in line to purchase and proudly sport. Take a gander: unitqm.
Also, seeing his shirt made me remember something I put on cafepress not too long ago. Make sure to look at the back view
your ass...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
alice in wonderland chess board

A chess set with pieces that appear only when placed on the board. I have been looking of a great chess set, anyone wanna spot me?
"The theme of 'Alice through the Looking Glass' is the difference between the real world and the world behind the mirror. In keeping with this theme there is a contrast between the unlit mirrored piece and the clear glass piece. Each unlit mirrored piece is a smooth and modern shape. Each lit piece is clear glass, with the negative shape of a traditional, delicate Staunton chess piece enclosed within it. In the book the White Knight talks about how he thinks better when he is upside down. In a reference, the White Knights in the set only work when they are placed upside down. This joke is hidden to all but those who know the background of the chess set
The Chessboard is made out of LightPoints a material manufactured by Schott, which is glass that has LED's embedded in it; the pieces are coated with Mirona, a Material that turns transparent when light shines through it. When the piece is placed on the board it completes the circuit and lights up the LED under it turning it transparent, like magic." Link
Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One

Let's talk video games. I had no idea about this game until J downloaded it and said, " I think you'll like this." Let's get this out of the way, I don't like RPGs. I can't stand to play or watch someone else play Final Fantasy VIXXVIXVIIII. I've tried. I wasn't into turn based play. It just seems silly to me to fight something and not mash buttons. I NEED to take out my anger on that controller. I also love leaving things to chance, such as combos. Most would call this a non-strategy, but I call it fun.
Anywho, back to the game. It. Is. Awesome. There I said it. I found an RPG that I like. It's been a while since I played it because I think we downloaded it the weekend it came out and I played like a madwoman to beat it and haven't picked it up since. J left and went somewhere for 4 hours and I was still playing it when he got back. I'm going to have to play it again, which is something I rarely do with a game, so you know it's good. The story is well written and right up my ally. The bad guys are robots, homeless people, and clowns. Everyone knows I HATE clowns. I'm from Chicago, um excuse me, John Wayne Gacy. That goes without saying. The setting is 1920's with a little of present day humor thrown in. It's rated mature which doesn't really mean anything in video games anymore because anything past smiley faces and hugs gets a mature rating. The use of insults and profanities is exquisite. The cut scenes are unique because they are done comic book panel style with the last panel actually fading into game play - a nice touch. Game play is not clunky at all, even for an rpg-hater like me. The specials moves are fucking awesome. I'm not going to tell you what they are, so you'll have to buy the game yourself.
Apparently, I'm late to the game in appreciating the guys that created it. Their website is called penny arcade. I love the style and humor in their comics. It's totally geeky, and to me, uber-sexy. I love geeks, dorks, nerds and dweebies. Always have, always will. It takes a real man to be smart, witty and not popular. That gets me HOT! Hopefully, they don't mind I'm using an image from their daily comic on my blog.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
My Ultimate Honeymoon Destination

J and I were planning to go to Japan for our honeymoon - which could happen 5 - 10 years from now, maybe we can make a short trip over to Korea and visit jeju love land. I can't wait! link
If I had to get a cat...
Austin Imbiber's Society
Here is one for plans of the future. J(my man!)and I are dedicated to imbibing alcoholic beverages. We decided that alcohol gets too much bad press and there needs to be an organization that defends its rights. We could organize ride shares and taxis for those who have had too much to drink. Enter, the Austin Imbiber's Society. We have meetings all the the time, usually every weekend, but never an "official" one as of yet. The A.I.B. has a bocce ball team and a mascot. We are "the fighting turduckins". More plans for the future: Austin Imbiber's Society adopts a highway. Someday we'll fight the good fight and we'll do it with a drink and a smile.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Waging the Blubber War!
I have been going to the gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week but I have been eating whatever I want in any portion. On Tuesday and Thursday, I use the Wii Fit. What a great combination of something I hate (exercise) and something I do everyday (video games). I only have minor complaints about the wii fit. My boyfriend and I can't play the exercise games together. We can't both be logged in and compete with each other. The game shows me when he played by himself and has gotten a higher score on something, which infuriates me. I really like the balance games & yoga in the game. The strength training is good too, except I HATE push-ups and everything similar. Such a wuss. Running in place seems to wear on my joints, but the cool part is you can change the channel and watch real television.
Megaphone to the World
This is my very first post. I hope one of many. I enjoy reading other people's blogs, so I decided to take a stab at my own. I'm viewing this blog as an opportunity to record my interests, emotions, events, ideas, source material, and inspirations. Now you may bear witness to the hilarity that is my life! I hope it's enjoyable, silly and informative.