Friday, March 20, 2009

I know I've been away... I miss you too

I have been so busy at work I haven't had time to write. I'm ever so sorry! I wanted to slip this note from one of the customers into my blog so dear reader, you may see the quality of the service my company provides.

" In keeping with the rest of the {name deleted}, the list is just about worthless. I would have been better off to set fire to my money than exhibit at your stupid {show}...

At least you’re consistent... At no point during my whole experience with the {name deleted} were my expectations met or exceeded. As a matter of fact, you consistently under-delivered, over-charged, and under-performed.

Please keep me on your mailing list... Hopefully you’ll waste lots of time and money sending me crap for my trashcan.

I had two clients who were also exhibitors who feel the exact same way.

Your organization is a bunch of half-wit con-artists.

Thanks for nothing.
{name deleted}"

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