Here's the situation:
I bought a present for someone on
etsy.com. I love shopping on it because everything is made by hand and it supports individuals instead of corporate conglomerates. Little did I know I had found one seller who needs a straight jacket. When you purchase an item the site requests feedback on the seller and item you purchased. I gave this particular purchase neutral feedback because she shipped it late and the seller freaked out about it.
Let me display her emails and representation of customer service.
November 21st.
I placed the order.
November 26thThis is before I received the item:
"hi...i wanted to let you know that your item shipped a couple of days ago -- i apologize for not writing sooner but i had family issues and i got behind on my correspondence. paypal sent you notification of the shipment along with the tracking number for your package. i appreciate your purchase and hope you will visit again -- ot was a pleasure. happy thanksgiving! all the best, (name omitted)"
December 4thI received the package.
December 9thBring on the craziness!Here is the first email I received from the seller:
"not a word from you regarding any dis-satisfaction with yur purchase, and yet you eave me neutral feedback. do you have any idea how that damages a seller's reputation on etsy. this is the way i make my living. that was VERY unfair of you to NOT contact me and explain your dis-satisfaction FIRST, ALLOWING ME TO FIX WHATEVER WAS WRONG. i would GLADLY give you a refund or an exchange, or fix any problem perceived. i would like you to return the necklace to me. i can provide you with a prepaid addressed mailing label for this purpose. i would like to ask you to change your feedback based on my willingness to resolve any problems you might have. i excell at customer service but i cannot help you unless you COMMUNICATE. (please read the last part of my shop announcement which asks buyers to contact me first...) i will wait to hear from you before i leave feedback for you. this puts a very negative spin on this transaction and i am very sad and hurt by this. please, may i hear from you."
My reply:I gave you NEUTRAL feedback because it shipped later then you stated. You sent me an email apologizing for the delay, which is fine but that doesn't constitute a great rating. Sending me a nasty email is not the way to provide great customer service. I suggest not being so sensitive about your ratings, the more customers you have the more your rating will vary.
Seller:my email to you was not nasty. i questioned why you didn't contact me first and that question stands. i ship within 24 hours of receipt of payment, emergencies not withstanding. i cannot recall when your item shipped, but if it was delayed when i lost vision in my eyemm i am sorry. you receive notification from paypal when your item goes out. i cannot be responsible for delays by the USPS. read my feedback -- EVERYONE sapeaks of fast shipping. i will leave your feedback based on how this was handled. i had hoped we could have worked this out in an easy fashion. i am sorry you are so disappointed and i hope that this does not leave you not wanting to wear your ____, remembering this sad transaction.
Seller:hi,,,i went ahead and left feedback for you. like yourself, i felt i had the right to leave feedback based on how the situation was ahndled. however, if you wish to use the "kiss and make up" feature offered by etsy, allowing us to change our mutual feedback to positive, i would be willing to participate in that with you. if not, then i will live with your neutral. perhaps you don't understand the importance of feedback on etsy. people judge you by the feedback left. saying i shouldn'be so sensitive when it comes to my feedback is like telling me not to care about my business or my reputation. i care very much about both. all i ask is that a buyer contact me if they are unhappy for any reason. i don't think that is unreasonable.
Here's the feedback she left for me with a negative rating:"buyer faulted me for slow shipping by the post office. i am well known for my quick shipping within 24 hours of payment. buyer did not attempt to contact me first before leaving less than stellar feedback. i would be careful about dealing with this buyer because she will not communicate with a seller to express her feelings and allow a seller to offer anything to fix a situation -- she simply expresses herself in feedback. this was a very negative transaction for these reasons. i am quite saddened by this situation -- saddened and disappointed."
Me:Why would you attack me like this? I looked at your feedback and it's 100% positive. My neutral rating isn't affecting you at all! Then you give me a negative rating. You are vindictive and very unprofessional. Grow up.
Seller:"i considered your feedback an attack on me and my business. i felt your negative was deserved because you would not communiucate your issues with me before leaving feedback. you know nothing about me, who i am or how professional i am. think what you wish. bottom line here is this. i live with the neutral is you want to live with the negative. if you want to use the kiss and make up feature BOTH of those feedback can be changed to positive. if you do not wish to do that, that is your perogative. i will participate if you take the iniative. this is totally out of control. if you had just contacted me when you felt the shipping was slow and allowed me to present facts re. shipping (i should not be blamed for the post office's negligence...give them neutral feedback) -- none of this would have happened. we can fix this or we can leave it as is. that is up to you."
Me:"You are trying to bully me into giving you good feedback. If I could, I would now change it to a negative review because of this email exchange you are having with me. This isn't the way to treat people whom you hope to do business with. I will not kiss and make up with you.
(this is a way to resolve negative feedback through etsy) I don't care if I have negative feedback. People will read what you wrote and see how completely disrespectful your exchange with me was."
let peope think what they wish. the subject is closed. please do not contact me again. there is nothing left to say.
Am I the crazy one?