Monday, September 29, 2008

my wedding dress...

Here's the wedding dress I'm going to get. :)

Government Bailout

I think I'll stop paying taxes if they choose to bail out those companies. Capitalism is about the government keeping their hands out of companies that make bad decisions. I will not give them my hard earned money just so they don't have to pay for their fuck up!

New Muppet Movie!

It's slated for release in 2010. I am so excited. Here is the article from the new york times. link

LiL' Ponies

Over on Deviant Art, there's an artist that will pimp out a My Little Pony in any style you choose. I chose this one of course!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

overheard in Austin

I love reading this column. Basically, it's because I'm nosy and I like to make fun of people.

H-E-B (Burnet and Koenig)

Guy to his friend, looking at the Valentine’s Day stuff “Should I get her a balloon or just the flowers?”

His friend “All of this is bullshit. Get her something useful, like a bag of tampons.”


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

People are disgusting

I'm glad I'm not a dirty mother fucker like this person. Just imagine trying to live in this place. Don't look if you just ate a meal.

Sushi Maker for Kids

This makes sushi in shapes for kids. I want it. It's not available in the U.S. yet. The company that makes it is Bandi. The site is in japanese. Link


Tom Robbins

"Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

This is just fucked up

According to investigators, the man had lived with the sophisticated doll for several years after his wife passed away, but decided to part with her after making plans to move in with one of his children. “It seems he grew attached to the doll over the years,” said the chief investigator. “He was confused about how to get rid of her. He thought it would be cruel to cut her up into pieces and throw her out with the trash, so he proceeded to dump her illegally.”

Rest of the story here.


How to Be Outstanding

Here is some great advice. I struggle daily with feeling inadequate and lost. This article is really long but really inspired me as a designer and as a person in general. Link

Lessons from Following My Passion

Here is a summary of lessons I’ve learned through this experience:

  • Anything is possible if you want it bad enough
  • When you follow your heart, not only will you contribute more to your organization, you will utilize less energy and you will feel happier.
  • We are all naturally gifted at certain disciplines. You’ll know when you find it, because you can quickly grasp new concepts, you find it enjoyable, and doing it comes easy to you; almost like breathing.
  • Doing something that is not natural to our abilities and interests is like swimming against the current. You’ll eventually get to the shore, but it will take you longer and will excerpt extra energy.
  • Doing things that come natural to us and align with our interests feels like swimming along with the current. You’ll get to the shore smoothly and with little effort.
  • When you are clear about wanting something, take action towards its attainment, and persist until you reach it, the universe will conspire to make it a reality. Your energy and determination will move people, and they will find ways to help you.
  • Insecurities and negative self-talk derived from fear achieves nothing, except to convince us that we are failures and losers. These are lies that only appear real in our imagination.
  • The roadblocks you encounter on the way to reaching your destination are actually gifts. Treat them as challenges that you were meant to experience and learn from. They are like small tests that the universe presents us with, as if asking: “How bad do you really want this? Have you given up yet?”
  • When you listen to your heart, follow your passion, and do what you love to do, it’s hard not to be outstanding. You’re almost guaranteed to succeed.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Monday, September 15, 2008

Vintage Posters - They're Mine!

I spent my weekend taking photos of some vintage posters from J's mom. The collection is pretty fantastic. She was an airline stewardess in Puerto Rico in the 60's. Poster artists include Homar, Klein, and TuFino. Some of them are signed and numbered. I apologize for the crooked imagery - my photography skills are sub-par. Some of the posters were rolled so I had to use knives to weigh them down. I emailed someone to get a rough estimate of what their worth. Maybe I'll never have to work again!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I feel like I'm always wearing a fat suit

I get emails from ediets about tips and tricks to rev my metabolism I found these particularly interesting.

8. Boost your metabolism by reading instead of watching TV: Researchers at Memphis State University monitored 32 girls as they watched a half-hour television program. They found the metabolic rates dropped as much as 16-percent below resting metabolic rate. In other words, they burned fewer calories watching TV than they did just by reading!

9. Drink green tea: Green tea is a popular tea from Japan that has numerous health benefits, including weight loss. It's not 100 percent certain how green tea helps one to lose fat, but it appears to increase the amount of calories the body burns -- not necessarily because of the small amounts of caffeine it contains, but due to a compound abbreviated as EGCG. When purchasing green tea make sure the label states that the green tea used is standardized for caffeine and EGCG.

10. Practice hydrotherapy: This could have been placed in the "drink lots of water" section but deserves its own section due to its efficiency. First thing in the morning, drink 32 ounces of very cold water on an empty stomach. Don't eat breakfast for at least 30 minutes. The cold water will force your body to raise its core temperature, thereby stimulating your metabolism and excreting any excess water. You may find that you lose two pounds the first month you try this. If you want to take it a step further, do the same thing at lunch. Just make sure to wait the 30 minutes prior to eating. Remember though, if you're consuming excess calories each day, this tip won't work.

Here is the link to the whole article.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

People You'll See in Hell

This website is a new favorite of mine. It reports on people who have made major offenses to humankind. The best place on the site is the hate mail from people defending these assholes. The photo is Bosch's version of hell. And to quote J - Hell is other people.
See for yourself: Link

There is only one me in the whole U.S.
LogoThere are
or fewer people with my name in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Let's Go Crazy!

I wish I could go to this! I will be in Dallas this weekend so I can't make it.
Here is the info:

Saturday, Sept. 13, 2008

The Scoot Inn

1308 E. 4th St.
Austin 78702

Doors 9pm
Show 10pm
Dancing All Nite

Tickets $13 advance
$16 door

It helps the kiddies at the Texas School for the Blind so you can be a good neighbor and get your booty-shake on. Link

Monday, September 8, 2008

I'm a Farmer

J and I started a square foot garden this weekend. We learned what to do on this Wired Wiki. Hopefully it'll take.
We planted:
Roma Tomato
Jalepeno Peppers
Green Bell Peppers
Green Beans

Friday, September 5, 2008

icanhascheezburger is having an art contest!

I rarely ever want to participate in anything. I can't pass this up!

  • Work must be suitable for display and transport. We accept 2D, 3D and multimedia.
  • Chosen artists will be contacted with more information and instructions.
  • Artwork will not be returned as all art and proceeds will be donated to charity.
  • The art may become a part of a traveling show if there is sufficient demand.
  • Anyone may apply. There is no pre-requisite.

To apply to showcase your art, please email us at with your:

  • An artistic proposal (Attach images in your email to support your vision, if necessary.)
  • Your name
  • Email
  • Phone number


  • All applications are due via email by 11:59 PM, Friday September 19th.
  • All invitations to artists will be sent out by September 25th.
  • All artwork to be shown must be received by Friday, October 17th.

May these questions guide you:

  • When LOLcats speak to you, what sound do they make?
  • In the world of LOLcat, what is your ideal?
  • If LOL is consciousness, what is cat?
  • The Invisible Bicycle, ceci n'est pas un pipe?
  • Do you dream in shades of LOLspeak?

New Miyazaki Movie "Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea"

Yay! A new Miyazaki movie. "Spirited Away" is one of my favorite movies of all time. I'm so excited to see another on of this animator/director's creations. This story is a remake of Hans Christian Anderson's "The Little Mermaid". He uses hand drawn animation instead of computers. His stories are always beautiful and genuine with timeless morals for children of all ages. There isn't a release date in America for it yet. I'm holding my breath until it comes out.

How to Dispose of a Body

Not that I would ever need to know this but...
J sent me this link in case I ever need it.
I love watching true crime and forensic shows so I knew most of the major mistakes people make anyways.

Austin Events: RESET / PLAY

A friend sent this to me, it's an art exhibition that integrates video game influences. It starts tomorrow at the Arthouse in Austin.

The video game as a medium and a style of life has reached its middle age along with the first generation of people who grew up playing them. The non-linear, interactive, processor based narratives, which at first mimicked Hollywood and struggled to convey their simple content with 8-bit processors, gradually became the largest entertainment industry in the history of electronic media. RESET/PLAY is a critical exploration of contemporary art inspired by video games. Questioning the history, control mechanisms, political and art-historical implications of electronic games, RESET/PLAY assembles a formidable group of international artists who are making a significant impact on this growing post-game artistic sub-genre. Artists include Cory Arcangel, Michael Bell-Smith, Mike Beradino, Brody Condon, Alex Galloway, JODI, Guthrie Lonergan, Kristin Lucas, Joe McKay, Michael Smith, Eddo Stern and Keita Takahashi.